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Diagnosing students with learning disabilities is an important part of what we do. An evaluation is administered by a certified LDT-C and/or Psychologist. In addition to the testing, we schedule a follow-up meeting with parents where we go over the detailed report, which includes the results and recommendations.

Initial Assessment: Includes an hour of informal or sometimes formal measures without a write-up. It can be helpful to determine if further testing is warranted: Price starts at $350.

Formal Measures
: All formal measures require background history, which is obtained through a parent/guardian intake with our psychologists. Some may require additional forms that teachers and tutors fill out.

Educational Evaluation: An educational or academic evaluation consists of formal measures and a complete write-up with results that use multiple batteries of academic testing. Allow for two hours for a complete battery. Measures may include but are not limited to the following: starting at $1500
Woodcock-Johnson IV-Academic and Oral batteries-(WJ-IV)
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-III (WIAT-III)
Gray Oral Reading Test-5 (GORT-5)
Test of Reading Comprehension-4 (TORC-4)
Test of Word Reading Efficiency-2 (TOWRE-2)
Test of Written Language-4 (TOWL-4)
Key Math Diagnostic Test-2

Psychoeducational Evaluation: In order to determine if a learning disability is present, a psychoeducational evaluation is needed. This includes the educational component, plus cognitive testing with one of our psychologists. Measures of attention and anxiety may also be determined here. A complete write-up with diagnosis and recommendations (if warranted) is given. Allow for two sessions; one with an LDT-C and one with the psychologist. Price starts at $3500. 

Neuropsychological Evaluations: Neuropsychological tests evaluate academic and cognitive functioning with an in-depth look at intelligence, executive functions, attention, memory, language, perception, sensorimotor functions, motivation, mood and emotion, quality of life, and personality styles. While most of this is done using formal measures, additional information from parents, teachers and the examinee are used. A complete report is also provided with diagnosis and recommendations. Testing can take anywhere from 6 to 8 hours, which is broken up into multiple sessions. The price is $4500.

Frequently Asked Questions
Types of Evaluations

What is involved in obtaining a diagnostic evaluation?

A team of both certified Learning Consultants and psychologists assess both the strengths and weaknesses of students from the age of four and up. Using a variety of testing tools such as the Woodcock-Johnson III, Achievement and Cognitive Batteries, Weschler Scales, Connors Rating Scales for ADHD, and other standardized tests, both licensed professionals will find any disability that may be present. Together, they will write a written report with their findings, diagnosis, and recommendations that can be used in the classroom and at home. Follow-up may include classroom visitations and Child Study Team meetings. 


How long will it take?

The evaluation is broken into two to three sessions which can last anywhere between one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours. It is recommended that testing be done in the morning or early afternoon in order to obtain optimal results. 


When should I expect the results?

Once the testing is complete, the evaluators will work together to complete the report within a few weeks. At this time, a follow-up meeting is conducted and the results are shared with the parents.


Should I wait for my district to test?

Your district may or may not feel that testing is warranted. Deciding to wait for your district can take months. The benefit of conducting an outside evaluation is that any question/concerns you may have as a parent can be answered within weeks. The sooner the child's strengths and weaknesses are discovered, the sooner a game plan can be developed.


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